>Henry Avril et David Trotter, De quatordecim partibus beatitudinis (The fourteen Parts of Blessedness) Chapter 5 of Dicta Anselmi by Alexander of Canterbury, with Anselmian interpolations : the Latin, Middle English (The joys of Paradise) and Anglo-Norman Versions in Lichfield Cathedral Library MS 16, Medium Aevum Monographs New Series, 17, Oxford, The Society for the Study of Mediaeval Languages and Literature, 1994
>B.S. Benedikz, A Catalogue of the Lichfield Cathedral Library Manuscripts, Birmingham, University Library, 1978
>Ruth J Dean et Maureen B. M. Boulton, Anglo-Norman Literature. A Guide to Texts and Manuscripts, Anglo-Norman Text Society, Occasional Publications Series, 3, Londres, Anglo-Norman Text Society, 1999
Commentaire : n. 697, p. 379
>David Trotter et Avril Henry, De quatordecim partibus beatitudinis (The fourteen Parts of Blessedness) Chapter 5 of Dicta Anselmi by Alexander of Canterbury, with Anselmian interpolations : the Latin, Middle English (The joys of Paradise) and Anglo-Norman Versions in Lichfield Cathedral Library MS 16, Medium Aevum Monographs, NS 17, 1994
>David A. Trotter, Une traduction anglo-normande du Pseudo-Anselme : le manuscrit Lichfield 16, Traduction et adaptation en France à la fin du Moyen Age et à la Renaissance. Actes du Colloque organisé par l'Université de Nancy II, 23-25 mars 1995, édités par Charles Brucker, Paris, Champion, 1997 : p. 225 - 236