
Krista A. Murchison, The Readers of the Manuel des péchés Revisited, Philological Quarterly, 95, Spring 2016 : p. 161-199

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Krista A. Murchison, The Readers of the Manuel des péchés Revisited, Philological Quarterly, 95, Spring 2016 : p. 161-199
MANUEL des peches (Book), NONFICTION, PASTORAL theology, WADDINGTON, William
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1 œuvre traitée
> William de Waddington | Manuel des péchés | La vertue del seint espirit / Nus seit eydant en cet escrit
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27 projets de parution traités
> CAMBRIDGE | Pembroke College Library | 258
> CAMBRIDGE | St. John's College Library | 167 (F.30)
> CAMBRIDGE | University Library | Ee. 01. 20
> CAMBRIDGE | University Library | Gg. 01. 01
> CAMBRIDGE | University Library | Mm. 06. 04
> CLITHEROE | Stonyhurst College | 27 (HMC 31)
> LEEDS | University Library | MS 1
> LONDON | British Library | Arundel MS 288
> LONDON | British Library | Arundel MS 372
> LONDON | British Library | Arundel MS 507
> LONDON | British Library | Harley MS 00337
> LONDON | British Library | Harley MS 03860
> LONDON | British Library | Harley MS 04657
> LONDON | British Library | Harley MS 04971
> LONDON | British Library | Royal MS 20.B.XIV.
> London | British Library | Harley MS 273
> OXFORD | Bodleian Library | Greaves 51
> OXFORD | Bodleian Library | Hatton 099
> OXFORD | Bodleian Library | Rawlinson poet. 241
> OXFORD | Brasenose College | UB. S. I. 23
> Paris | Bibliothèque nationale de France, Manuscrits | fr. 14959
> Princeton | Princeton University Library, Firestone Library | Taylor MS. 1
> SAN MARINO | Henry E. Huntington Library | HM 00903
> VATICANO (CITTA DEL) | Biblioteca apostolica Vaticana | Ottob. lat. 1869 + VATICANO (CITTA DEL) | Biblioteca apostolica Vaticana | Pal. lat. 1970
> WORCESTER | Cathedral Library and Archive | MS Q. 35
> YORK | Minster Library | XVI.K.13
> YORK | Minster Library | XVI.K.7
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