
Geoff Rector, The Romanz Psalter in England and Northern France in the Twelfth Century: Production, Mise-en-page, and Circulation, Journal of the early book society, 13, 2010 : p. 1-38

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Geoff Rector, The Romanz Psalter in England and Northern France in the Twelfth Century: Production, Mise-en-page, and Circulation, Journal of the early book society, 13, 2010 : p. 1-38
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11 projets de parution traités
> BRUXELLES | Bibliothèque royale de Belgique | 09084
> CAMBRIDGE | Trinity College Library | 0987 (R.17.01)
> DURHAM | Dean and Chapter Library | C.IV.27 (A)
> HILDESHEIM | Sankt Godohard Kirche | St Godehard 1
> LONDON | British Library | Add MS 30863
> LONDON | British Library | Add MS 35283
> LONDON | British Library | Cotton MS Nero C.IV
> LONDON | British Library | Harley MS 05102
> OXFORD | Bodleian Library | Douce 320 (Madan 21894)
> Paris | Archives nationales | AB/XIX/1734, dossier Orne, n° 1
> Paris | Bibliothèque nationale de France, Manuscrits | fr. 00794
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