
Neil Cartlidge, The works of Chardri: three poems in the French of thirteenth-century England The life of the seven sleepers, The life of St. Josaphaz and The little debate, The French of England translation series (FRETS), 9, Tempe, Arizona center for medieval and Renaissance studies, 2015

+ -Référence
Neil Cartlidge, The works of Chardri: three poems in the French of thirteenth-century England The life of the seven sleepers, The life of St. Josaphaz and The little debate, The French of England translation series (FRETS), 9, Tempe, Arizona center for medieval and Renaissance studies, 2015
Recension par M. Otter in Speculum 92/3 (2017), pp. 797-798
+ -Sujets traités
3 œuvres traitées
> Chardri | Vie des sept dormants | La vertu Deu ki tuz jurs dure
> Chardri | Barlaam et Josaphat | Ki vout a nul ben entendre / Par essample poet mult aprendre
> Chardri | Petit Plet | Beaus duz seinnurs pur vus dedure / Vus cunterai une enveisure
+ -Thésaurus
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