Référence bibliographique sélectionnée X EUGENE VANCE, Style and value. From soldier to pilgrim in the Song of Roland,>, Contexts. Style and values in medieval art and literature, YFS: Special issue 1991, New Haven CT, Yale Univ, 1991 : p. 75 - 96 | 
+ -Référence
EUGENE VANCE, Style and value. From soldier to pilgrim in the Song of Roland,>, Contexts. Style and values in medieval art and literature, YFS: Special issue 1991, New Haven CT, Yale Univ, 1991 : p. 75 - 96
Cité dans Klapp 1992 n° 2339 Mots-clés :Roland (chanson de)//
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1 œuvre traitée
> Anonyme | Roland | Carles li reis nostre emperere magnes / Set anz tuz pleins ad esteit en Espaigne
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