Référence bibliographique sélectionnée X Molly Lynde-Recchia, Prose, Verse, and Truth-Telling in the Thirteenth Century. An essay on Form and Function in Selected Texts, Accompanied by an Edition of the Prose Thebes as Found in the Histoire ancienne jusqu'à César., Edward's C. Armstrong Monographs on Medieval Literature, 10, Nicolasville, French Forum, 2000 | 
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Molly Lynde-Recchia, Prose, Verse, and Truth-Telling in the Thirteenth Century. An essay on Form and Function in Selected Texts, Accompanied by an Edition of the Prose Thebes as Found in the Histoire ancienne jusqu'à César., Edward's C. Armstrong Monographs on Medieval Literature, 10, Nicolasville, French Forum, 2000
CR Vielliard in Romania 119 (2001), p. 559 CR Roccati in Studi Francesi
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2 œuvres traitées
> Anonyme | Histoire ancienne jusqu'à César 1e rédaction | Quant Deus ot fet le ciel e la terre
> Anonyme | Thèbes | à compléter
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