Référence bibliographique sélectionnée X Evelyn Birge Vitz, Inside/outside. Guillaume de Lorris' «Roman de la Rose» and medieval selfhood, Medieval narrative and modern narratology. Subjects and objects of desire, N.Y. Univ Studies in french culture and civilization, New York London, New York UP, 1989 : p. 64 - 95 | 
+ -Référence
Evelyn Birge Vitz, Inside/outside. Guillaume de Lorris' «Roman de la Rose» and medieval selfhood, Medieval narrative and modern narratology. Subjects and objects of desire, N.Y. Univ Studies in french culture and civilization, New York London, New York UP, 1989 : p. 64 - 95
CR MLR 86, 1991, 709-710/ Roger Pensom C
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1 œuvre traitée
> Guillaume de Lorris et Jean de Meun | Roman de la rose | Maintes gens dient que en songes
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