
Daniel Poirion, From rhyme to reason. Remarks on the text of the «Romance of the Rose» (Transl. by Kathy M. Krause), Rethinking the «Romance of the Rose». Text, image, reception, Middle Ages Series, Philadelphia, Univ. of Pennsylvania Press, 1992 : p. 65 - 77

+ -Référence
Daniel Poirion, From rhyme to reason. Remarks on the text of the «Romance of the Rose» (Transl. by Kathy M. Krause), Rethinking the «Romance of the Rose». Text, image, reception, Middle Ages Series, Philadelphia, Univ. of Pennsylvania Press, 1992 : p. 65 - 77
CRMAevum 63 (1994) 147-148 / Hill, Jillian; Speculum 69 (1994) 567-569 / Kelly, Douglas; Medievalia et Humanistica 21 (1994) 163-164 / Hagen, Susan Cité dans Klapp 1994, t. 32, n° 2530 Mots-clés :Rose (roman de la)//
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> Guillaume de Lorris et Jean de Meun | Roman de la rose | Maintes gens dient que en songes
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