Référence bibliographique sélectionnée X Sylvia Huot, From life to art. The lyric anthology of Villon's Testament, The Ladder of high designs. Structure and interpretation of the French Iyric sequence, Charlottesville, UP of Virginia, 1991 : p. 26 - 40 | 
+ -Référence
Sylvia Huot, From life to art. The lyric anthology of Villon's Testament, The Ladder of high designs. Structure and interpretation of the French Iyric sequence, Charlottesville, UP of Virginia, 1991 : p. 26 - 40
Cité dans Klapp 1992 n° 2404 Mots-clés :François villon: testament//Testament: françois villon//Lyrique//
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> François Villon | Testament | En l'an de mon trentiesme aage / Que toutes mes hontes j'euz beues
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