Référence bibliographique sélectionnée X Kate Langdon Forhan, A twelfth-century bureaucrat and the life of the mind: the political thought of John of Salisbury, Proceedings of the PMR Conference, 10, Villanova Pa., Villanova University, 1986 : p. 65 - 74 | 
+ -Référence
Kate Langdon Forhan, A twelfth-century bureaucrat and the life of the mind: the political thought of John of Salisbury, Proceedings of the PMR Conference, 10, Villanova Pa., Villanova University, 1986 : p. 65 - 74
Argues that the Policraticus attempted to make the life of the philosopher available to those in the world especially to the clerical bureaucrats, demonstrates an appreciation of classical learning, and celebrates knowledge of self and the interrelatedness of the individual and the communityDans IMB 30/1, janvier-juin 1996, n° 4193 Mots-clés :Jean de salisbury: policarticus//Policraticus: jean de salisburys//Congrès pmr//
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1 œuvre traitée
> Denis Foulechat | Policratique | Tres douls et ames filz entre toutes les choses qui seulent nuyre et grever as grans seigneurs et princes
1 intervenant traité
Jean de Salisbury
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