Référence bibliographique sélectionnée X Elizabeth Williams, A damsell by herselfe alone: images of magic and femininity from Lanval to Sir Lambewell, Romance Reading on the Book: Essays on Medieval Narrative Presented to Maldwyn Mills, Cardiff, University of Wales, 1996 : p. 155 - 170 | 
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Elizabeth Williams, A damsell by herselfe alone: images of magic and femininity from Lanval to Sir Lambewell, Romance Reading on the Book: Essays on Medieval Narrative Presented to Maldwyn Mills, Cardiff, University of Wales, 1996 : p. 155 - 170
Discusses Marie de France's lai of Lanval, Chestre's Sir Laonfal and the anonymous Sir Lambewell
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> Marie de France | Lanval | L'aventure d'un altre lai / Cum ele avint vus cunterai
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