
John Rooks, «The Boke of the Cyte of Ladyes» and its sixteenth-century readership, The Reception of Christine de Pizan from the fifteenth through the nineteenth centuries. Visitors to the city, Medieval and Renaissance series, 9, Lewiston; Queenston; Lampeter, Mellen, 1991 : p. 83 - 100

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John Rooks, «The Boke of the Cyte of Ladyes» and its sixteenth-century readership, The Reception of Christine de Pizan from the fifteenth through the nineteenth centuries. Visitors to the city, Medieval and Renaissance series, 9, Lewiston; Queenston; Lampeter, Mellen, 1991 : p. 83 - 100
Trad. angl. du «Livre de la Cité des Dames» de Christine de Pizan par Bryan Anslay
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> Christine de Pizan | Cité des dames | Selon la maniere que j'ay plus en usaige et a quoy est dispose le exercice de ma vie c'est a savoir en la frequentacion d'estude de lettres
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