Référence bibliographique sélectionnée X ELIZABETH WILSON POE, The problem of the prologue in Raimon Vidal's Las Razos de trobar, Studi umanistici Piceni, 3, 1983 : p. 303-317 | 
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ELIZABETH WILSON POE, The problem of the prologue in Raimon Vidal's Las Razos de trobar, Studi umanistici Piceni, 3, 1983 : p. 303-317
Dans IMB 28/1, n° 3067: Examines the discrepancy between the promises made in the introductory paragraphs and what is actually accomplished in the rest of the work Mots-clés : Raimon vidal: razos de trobar//Razos de trobar: raimon vidal//oc
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> Raimon Vidal | Razos de Trobar | Per so qar ieu, Raimonz Vidals ai vist et conegut
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