
MARC M PELEN, Murder and immortality in fragment VI (C) of the «Canterbury tales». Chaucer's transformation of theme and image from the «Roman de la Rose», The Chaucer Review, 29, 1994/95 : p. 1-25

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MARC M PELEN, Murder and immortality in fragment VI (C) of the «Canterbury tales». Chaucer's transformation of theme and image from the «Roman de la Rose», The Chaucer Review, 29, 1994/95 : p. 1-25
Cité dans Klapp 1994, t. 32, n° 2529Mots-clés : Chaucer: canterbury tales//Rose (roman de la)//
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> Guillaume de Lorris et Jean de Meun | Roman de la rose | Maintes gens dient que en songes
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