
BERNADETTE A MASTERS, Li lox, lililions and their compaig: exemplary error in the fables of BN MS ffr.l9152, Perargon. Journal of the Australian and New Zealand association for medieval and early modern studies, 13/2, 1996 : p. 203-222

+ -Référence
BERNADETTE A MASTERS, Li lox, lililions and their compaig: exemplary error in the fables of BN MS ffr.l9152, Perargon. Journal of the Australian and New Zealand association for medieval and early modern studies, 13/2, 1996 : p. 203-222
Argues that MS mistakes are intentionalDans IMB 30/1, janvier-juin 1996, n° 2823 Mots-clés : *paris bn fr 19152//Fables//
+ -Sujets traités
1 projet de parution traité
> Paris | Bibliothèque nationale de France, Manuscrits | fr. 19152
+ -Thésaurus
  • Littérature narrative
  • Formes narratives brèves
  • Fable