Référence bibliographique sélectionnée X Logan E. Whalen, A medieval book-burning: objet d'art as narrative device in the lai of Guigemar, Neophilologus, 80/2, 1996 : p. 205-211 | 
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Logan E. Whalen, A medieval book-burning: objet d'art as narrative device in the lai of Guigemar, Neophilologus, 80/2, 1996 : p. 205-211
Examines Marie de France's description of non-verbal objects or objets d'art, and argues that the objet d'art is not simply an object in Marie's narrative plan but is, in fact, a catalyst in the generation and transmission of the textDans IMB 30/1, janvier-juin 1996, n° 3180 Mots-clés : Marie de france: guigemar//Guigemar: marie de france//
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