
Evelyn Mullally, A French source for aisling poetry: Alain Chartier's Quadrilogue invectif, Études celtiques, 30, 1994 : p. 251-261

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Evelyn Mullally, A French source for aisling poetry: Alain Chartier's Quadrilogue invectif, Études celtiques, 30, 1994 : p. 251-261
Shows that a close analogy exists between the figure of Ireland as portrayed in the political aisling (dream vision) and the figure of France as portrayed by Alain Chartier in his Quadrilogue invectif, a text deriving from French and Latin sourcesIMB 29/1 n° 2625 Mots-clés : Alain chartier: quadrilogue invectif//Quadrilogue invectif: alain chartier//Litt comparée irlande//Thème vision//
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1 œuvre traitée
> Alain Chartier | Quadrilogue invectif | A la tres haulte et excellente majest? dez princes, a la tres honnouree magnificence dez nobles, circonspection dez clerz et bonne industrie du peuple fran?ois, a Alain Charretier humble secretaire du roy nostre sire...
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