Référence bibliographique sélectionnée X Rebecca Selman, Voices and Wisdom: a Study of Henry Suso’s Horologium Sapientiae in Some Late Medieval English Religious Texts, Exeter, 1998 | 
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Rebecca Selman, Voices and Wisdom: a Study of Henry Suso’s Horologium Sapientiae in Some Late Medieval English Religious Texts, Exeter, 1998
1998 Doctoral Dissertation, University of Exeter
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2 œuvres traitées
> Anonyme | Horloge de Sapience | Hanc amavi et exquisivi a juventute mea et quesivi meam sponsam michi assumere. Ce sont les parolles de psalmon
> Anonyme | Seven Points of True Love and Everlasting Wisdom | Off the p[ro]pirte of the name and the loue of euerlastynge wisdam, and how the disciple schalle haue him in felinge of that loue as well in bittirnesse as in swetnesse. C[a]pitulum [p]rimum
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