
Julia C. Szirmai, La Date de Composition de la Bible des sept Estaz du monde de Geufroi de Paris, Neophilologus, 105, 2021 : p. 323-331

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Julia C. Szirmai, La Date de Composition de la Bible des sept Estaz du monde de Geufroi de Paris, Neophilologus, 105, 2021 : p. 323-331
Abstract Among the biblical poems edited by the Équipe de Leyde (founded by Jean-Robert Smeets in 1962), the only text that remained to be studied was the Bible des sept Estaz du monde by Geufroi de Paris. An extensive project, for the text comprises nearly 22.000 verses. Until now, the researchers who examined Geufroi’s Bible have accepted the composition date of 1243 provided by the manuscript on fol. 187r o b, where, in the epilogue of his text, Geufroi asserts to have written his Bible at that date. To support that claim, they based their research mainly on the texts that Geufroi used for the composition of his New Testament, especially the narration of the life of Mary (from the Conception till the Assumption). However, the study of the sources for the Bible’s Old Testament (of which we are actually preparing the edition) leads us to another conclusion.
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> Jeufroi de Paris | Bible des Sept Etats du Monde | Gent debonneire, gent courtoise / Or faites pais, taisiez la noise
Avance la date de 1246 sur le critère de l'étude des sources
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