
Moses Tyson, Hand-List of the Collections of French and Italian Manuscripts in the John Rylands Library, Bulletin of the John Rylands Library, 14, 1930

+ -Référence
Moses Tyson, Hand-List of the Collections of French and Italian Manuscripts in the John Rylands Library, Bulletin of the John Rylands Library, 14, 1930
+ -Sujets traités
23 projets de parution traités
> AMSTERDAM | olim Bibliotheca Philosophica Hermetica | BPH 001 + MANCHESTER | John Rylands University Library | French MS 1 + OXFORD | Bodleian Library | Douce 215
> LONDON | British Library | Egerton MS 2710 + MANCHESTER | John Rylands University Library | French MS 6
> MANCHESTER | John Rylands University Library | French MS 2
> MANCHESTER | John Rylands University Library | French MS 4
> MANCHESTER | John Rylands University Library | French MS 5
> MANCHESTER | John Rylands University Library | French MS 54
> MANCHESTER | John Rylands University Library | French MS 55
> MANCHESTER | John Rylands University Library | French MS 56
> MANCHESTER | John Rylands University Library | French MS 57
> MANCHESTER | John Rylands University Library | French MS 57
> MANCHESTER | John Rylands University Library | French MS 58
> MANCHESTER | John Rylands University Library | French MS 62
> MANCHESTER | John Rylands University Library | French MS 63
> MANCHESTER | John Rylands University Library | French MS 64
> MANCHESTER | John Rylands University Library | French MS 65
> MANCHESTER | John Rylands University Library | French MS 66
> MANCHESTER | John Rylands University Library | French MS 7
> MANCHESTER | John Rylands University Library | French MS 73
> MANCHESTER | John Rylands University Library | French MS 74
> MANCHESTER | John Rylands University Library | French MS 75
> MANCHESTER | John Rylands University Library | French MS 87
> MANCHESTER | John Rylands University Library | French MS 98
> MANCHESTER | John Rylands University Library | French MS 99
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