Référence bibliographique sélectionnée X John Ford, Metatextual evidence of a relationship between the Anglo-Norman version of Amys e Amilliyoun in ms Karlsruhe 345 and the Middle English text of Amis and Amiloun in ms Auchinleck W.A.1, Pecia, 2004 : p. 19-45 | 
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John Ford, Metatextual evidence of a relationship between the Anglo-Norman version of Amys e Amilliyoun in ms Karlsruhe 345 and the Middle English text of Amis and Amiloun in ms Auchinleck W.A.1, Pecia, 2004 : p. 19-45
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1 œuvre traitée
> Anonyme | Ami et Amile, version anglo-normande | Qui veut oïr chançoun d'amur / De leauté et de grant douçur...
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