Référence bibliographique sélectionnée X Lidia Bartolucci, A proposito delle versioni castigliane a stampa di Jean de Mandeville, Aevum, 82, 2008 | 
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Lidia Bartolucci, A proposito delle versioni castigliane a stampa di Jean de Mandeville, Aevum, 82, 2008
Résumé fourni par l'éditeur : "The tangled text tradition of the Livre de voyages, written by Jean de Mandeville in 1356 (or 1357), is usually supposed to fall into two branches: the Continental Version and the Insular Version. The Livre has been translated in different languages, including Castilian. The Castilian text exists only in 16th-Century printed books: it shows errors, lacunae, interpolations, misinterpretations of the French original. A comparison between the Spanish 16th-Century printed text and both the Insular and the Continental Versions suggests that the translator had access to a hybrid witness, similar to P15"
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> Jean de Mandeville | Voyages | Comme il soit ainssy que la terre d'Oultremer c'est a savoir la terre sainte
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