Référence bibliographique sélectionnée X Peter W Edbury, The Old French William of Tyre and the Origins of the Templars, Knighthoods of Christ. Essays on the History of the Crusades and the Knights Templar, presented to Malcolm Barber, Mélanges Malcolm Barber, Ashgate, 2007 : p. 151-164 | 
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Peter W Edbury, The Old French William of Tyre and the Origins of the Templars, Knighthoods of Christ. Essays on the History of the Crusades and the Knights Templar, presented to Malcolm Barber, Mélanges Malcolm Barber, Ashgate, 2007 : p. 151-164
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> Anonyme | Eracles | Les anciennes estoires dient que Eracles, qui fu mult bons crestiens, governa l'empire de Rome.
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