Référence bibliographique sélectionnée X Lino Leonardi, Romance Philology between Anachronism and Historical Truth: On Editing Medieval Vernacular Texts, Philology Matters! Essays on the Art of Reading Slowly, Leiden, Brill, 2017 : p. 97-117 |  Etude
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Lino Leonardi, Romance Philology between Anachronism and Historical Truth: On Editing Medieval Vernacular Texts, Philology Matters! Essays on the Art of Reading Slowly, Leiden, Brill, 2017 : p. 97-117
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> Anonyme | Mort Artu | Apres ce que mestres Gautiers Map ot translaté des aventures dou saint Graal assez souffisement, si comme il li sembloit
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