Référence bibliographique sélectionnée X John Scattergood, Manuscripts and Ghosts. Essays on the Transmission of Medieval and Early Renaissance Literature, Dublin, Four Court Press, 2006 | 
+ -Référence
John Scattergood, Manuscripts and Ghosts. Essays on the Transmission of Medieval and Early Renaissance Literature, Dublin, Four Court Press, 2006
+ -Sujets traités
2 œuvres traitées
> Anonyme | Saying of the Four Philosophers | L'en puet fere et defere
> Anonyme | De Provisione Oxonie | Rome poet fere e defere
p. 95
3 projets de parution traités
> CAMBRIDGE | St. John's College Library | 112 (E.09)
p. 95
> DUBLIN | Trinity College Library | 0212 (D.4.01)
pp. 151 sqq. Etude du fragment
> EDINBURGH | National Library of Scotland | Advocates Library 19.2.01
pp. 95 sqq.
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