Référence bibliographique sélectionnée X Joseph Duggan, A guide to studies on the Chanson de Roland, Research Bibliographies and Checklists, 15, Londres, Grant and Cutler, 1976 | 
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Joseph Duggan, A guide to studies on the Chanson de Roland, Research Bibliographies and Checklists, 15, Londres, Grant and Cutler, 1976
CR Burgess in Romance Philology, 34, 1980, pp. 136-7, ajoute 3 articles ; CR Christmann, in Romanisches Jahrbuch, 28, 1977, pp. 207-210 ; CR Combarieu du Gres, in Cahiers de Civilisation Médiévale, 22/4, 1979, pp. 419-20 ; CR Hunt, in The Modern Language Studies, 74/1979, pp. 446-8 ; CR Kibler in French Review, 51, 1978, pp. 891-2 ; CR Klein, in Romanische Forschungen, 91, 1979, pp. 324-5 ; CR Monfrin in Romania, 100, 1979, p. 427 ; CR Short, in Medium Aevum, 48, 1979, pp. 132-3 ; CR Van Emden, in French studies, 34, 1980, pp. 316-7 ; CR Varvaro in Medioevo romanzo, 6, 1979, pp. 423-4 ; CR Vitale-Brovarone, in Studi francesi, 61-2, 1977, pp. 260-1
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> Anonyme | Roland | Carles li reis nostre emperere magnes / Set anz tuz pleins ad esteit en Espaigne
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