
Diana Rumrich, The Middle English Text of Caxton's Ovid, Book 1, edited from Cambridge, Magalene College, Old Library, Ms. F. 4. 34, with a Parallel Text of the Ovide moralisé en prose II, edited from Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, ms. fonds français 137, Heidelberg, Winter, 2011

+ -Référence
Diana Rumrich, The Middle English Text of Caxton's Ovid, Book 1, edited from Cambridge, Magalene College, Old Library, Ms. F. 4. 34, with a Parallel Text of the Ovide moralisé en prose II, edited from Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, ms. fonds français 137, Heidelberg, Winter, 2011
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> Anonyme | Ovide moralisé | Or vueil commencer ma matere selon ovide qui dit ainsi les formes
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