Référence bibliographique sélectionnée X Richard K Emmerson, Translating images : image and poetic reception in French, English, and Latin Versions of Guillaume de Deguileville’s "Trois Pèlerinages", Poetry, Place and Gender. Studies in Medieval Culture in Honor of Helen Damico, éd. Catherine E. Karkov, Medieval institute publications Studies in medieval culture, Kalamazoo, 2009 : p. 275-301 | 
+ -Référence
Richard K Emmerson, Translating images : image and poetic reception in French, English, and Latin Versions of Guillaume de Deguileville’s "Trois Pèlerinages", Poetry, Place and Gender. Studies in Medieval Culture in Honor of Helen Damico, éd. Catherine E. Karkov, Medieval institute publications Studies in medieval culture, Kalamazoo, 2009 : p. 275-301
+ -Sujets traités
1 œuvre traitée
> John Lydgate | Pilgrimage of the Life of Man | The seyde yer (ho lyst take kep)/ I was advysed in my slep, / Excyted eke, and that a-noon, / To Ierusalem for to goon.
2 projets de parution traités
> London | British Library | Add MS 22937
> Paris | Bibliothèque Sainte-Geneviève | 1130
Commentaire de l'enluminure représentant Guillaume agenouillé devant un Christ couronné et en croix: "This image recalls Revelation 21, where the visionary John kneels before Christ, a scene often represented in illustrated Anglo-French Apocalypses" (p. 282)
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