
Thomas G. Duncan et Margaret Connolly, The Middle English Mirror: Sermons from Advent to Sexagesima. Ed. from Glasgow, UL, Hunter 250, with a parallel text of the anglo norman Miroir ed. from Nottingham UL Mi LM 4, Heidelberg, Universitätsverlag, 2003

+ -Référence
Thomas G. Duncan et Margaret Connolly, The Middle English Mirror: Sermons from Advent to Sexagesima. Ed. from Glasgow, UL, Hunter 250, with a parallel text of the anglo norman Miroir ed. from Nottingham UL Mi LM 4, Heidelberg, Universitätsverlag, 2003
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1 œuvre traitée
> Robert de Gretham | Miroir | A sa tres chiere dame Aline / Saluz en la vertu divine...
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