Référence bibliographique sélectionnée X PETER L ALLEN, The art of love. Amatory fiction from Ovid to the Romance of the Rose, Middle Ages Series, Philadelphia Pa, Univ. of Pennsylvania Press, 1992 | 
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PETER L ALLEN, The art of love. Amatory fiction from Ovid to the Romance of the Rose, Middle Ages Series, Philadelphia Pa, Univ. of Pennsylvania Press, 1992
CRMAevum 63 (1994) 341-342 / Hill, Jillian; Speculum 69 (1994) 726-727 / Dombush, Jean; FSt 49 (1995) 63-64 / Gilbert, JaneRlc 70 (1995) 257-258 / Guichemerre, Roger; Mediaevistik 8 (1995) 283-285 / Classen, Albrecht Cité dans Klapp 31, 1993, n° 1986 Mots-clés :Art d'aimer//Rose (roman de la)//Ovide: art d'amour//
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> Guillaume de Lorris et Jean de Meun | Roman de la rose | Maintes gens dient que en songes
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