
ALASTAIR J MINNIS, Lifting the veil. Sexual/textual nakedness in the Roman de la rose, Occasional publications / King's College London Centre for Late Antique and Medieval Studies, I, Londres, Centre for Late Antique and Medieval Studies King's College, 1995

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ALASTAIR J MINNIS, Lifting the veil. Sexual/textual nakedness in the Roman de la rose, Occasional publications / King's College London Centre for Late Antique and Medieval Studies, I, Londres, Centre for Late Antique and Medieval Studies King's College, 1995
Cité dans Klapp 34, 1996, n° 2858 Mots-clés :Rose (roman de la)//Thème nudité//Thème sexualité//
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> Guillaume de Lorris et Jean de Meun | Roman de la rose | Maintes gens dient que en songes
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