
A COBBY, Understanding and Misunderstanding in La Male Honte, France and Britain in the Middle Ages, edited by DUMVILLE (David) and JONDORF (Gillian), 1989 : p. -

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A COBBY, Understanding and Misunderstanding in La Male Honte, France and Britain in the Middle Ages, edited by DUMVILLE (David) and JONDORF (Gillian), 1989 : p. -
Cité dans : prospectus Mots-clés :Male honte//
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1 œuvre traitée
> Huon le Roi de Cambrai | Male honte | Saignor, vos qui honte cremez, / A cest fablel bien entendez. / En Engleterre fu manant / Uns Englois riches et puissanz
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