Référence bibliographique sélectionnée X Karen Pratt, The rhetoric of adaptation. The Middle Dutch and Middle High German versions of «Floire et Blancheflor», Courtly literature. Culture and context. Selected papers from the 5th Triennial Congress of the Intern Courtly Lit Soc, 9-16 Aug 1986, Utrecht publications in general and comparative, l, Amsterdam; Philadelphia, Benjamins, 1990 : p. 483 - 497 | 
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Karen Pratt, The rhetoric of adaptation. The Middle Dutch and Middle High German versions of «Floire et Blancheflor», Courtly literature. Culture and context. Selected papers from the 5th Triennial Congress of the Intern Courtly Lit Soc, 9-16 Aug 1986, Utrecht publications in general and comparative, l, Amsterdam; Philadelphia, Benjamins, 1990 : p. 483 - 497
Cité dans Klapp 1991 n° 2172 Mots-clés :Floire et blancheflore//Litt comparée allemagne//Litt comparée pays-bas//
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