Référence bibliographique sélectionnée X Howard Bloch, The medieval text - «Guigemar» - as a provocation to the discipline of medieval studies, The New Medievalism, Parallax Re-Visions of Culture and Society, Baltimore; Ldn, Johns Hopkins UP, 1991 : p. 99 - 112 | 
+ -Référence
Howard Bloch, The medieval text - «Guigemar» - as a provocation to the discipline of medieval studies, The New Medievalism, Parallax Re-Visions of Culture and Society, Baltimore; Ldn, Johns Hopkins UP, 1991 : p. 99 - 112
CRMLR 89 (1994) 180-182 / Wynne-Davies, Marion; Envoi 3 (1991/92) 331-335 / Beckwith, Sarah
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