>Raphaël Levy, The astrological works of Abraham Ibn Ezra. A literary and linguistic study with special reference to the old French translation of Hagin, The John Hopkins studies in Romance literatures and languages, 8, Baltimore, 1927
>Paulin Paris, Hagins le Juif, traducteur français de plusieurs livres d'Astronomie, Histoire littéraire de la France, 21, 1847 : p. 499-503
>Lynn Thorndike, A History of Magic and Experimental Science during the First Thirteen Centuries of our Era, New York, Columbia University Press, 1923-1958
>Lynn Thorndike, The latin translations of the astrological texts of Abraham Avenezra, Isis, 25, 1944 : p. 293-302
>G. Wallerand, Speculum Divinorum et quorumdam Naturalium, Les Philosophes Belges, 11, Louvain, 1931
Commentaire : Mise au point incluant les traductions successives en latin de l'oeuvre française d'Hygin