>E.C. Armstrong, The Authorship of the "Vengement Alixandre" and of the "Vengeance Alixandre, Elliott Monographs in the Romance Languages and Literatures, Princeton, Princeton University Press, 1926
>Bateman Edwards, A Classification of the Manuscripts of Gui de Cambrai's "Vengement Alixandre", Elliott Monographs in the Romance Languages and Literatures, Princeton, Princeton University Press, 1926
>Edward Billings Ham, Jehan de Nevelon. La Venjance Alixandre, Elliott Monographs in the Romance Languages and Literatures, Princeton, Princeton University Press, 1931
>Edward Billings Ham, Five Versions of the "Vengeance Alixandre", Elliott Monographs in the Romance Languages and Literatures, Princeton, Princeton University Press, 1935
>Edward Billings Ham, Textual Criticism and Jehan le Venelois, University of Michigan Publications. Language and Literature, Ann Arbor, University of Michigan Press, 1946
>Paul Meyer, Etude sur les manuscrits du Roman d'Alexandre, Romania, 11, 1882 : p. 213-332
>Paul Meyer, Alexandre le Grand dans la littérature française du Moyen Âge, Bibliothèque française du moyen âge, 1886
>Oskar Schultz-Gora, Die Vengeance Alixandre von Jehan le Nevelon, Berlin, Ebernig, 1902
>Emmanuel Walberg, Classification des manuscrits de la Vengeance d'Alixandre de Jean le Nevelon, Fran Filologiske Förchingen i Lund. Sprakliger Uppatser, 35, 1906 : p. 5-30