
MARGOT FASSLER, Representations of Time in Ordo representacionis Ade, Contexts. Style and values in medieval art and literature, YFS: Special issue 1991, New Haven CT, Yale Univ, 1991 : p. 97 - 113

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MARGOT FASSLER, Representations of Time in Ordo representacionis Ade, Contexts. Style and values in medieval art and literature, YFS: Special issue 1991, New Haven CT, Yale Univ, 1991 : p. 97 - 113
Cité dans CCM Biblio 1992 Mots-clés :Thème temps//Jeu d'adam//
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> Anonyme | Jeu d'Adam | Adam! Sire ? Fourmé te ai / De limo terre
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