Référence bibliographique sélectionnée X EITHNE O'SHARKEY, Punishments and Rewards of the Questing Knights in La Queste del Saint Graal, Rewards and Punishments in the Arthurian Romances and Lyric Poetry of Mediaeval France. Essays presented to Kenneth Varty on the Occasion of his sixtieth Birthday, edited by Davis (Peter V.) and Kennedy (Angus J.), Arthurian Studies, 17, Bury St Edmunds, D. S. Brewer, 1987 : p. 101 - 117 | 
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EITHNE O'SHARKEY, Punishments and Rewards of the Questing Knights in La Queste del Saint Graal, Rewards and Punishments in the Arthurian Romances and Lyric Poetry of Mediaeval France. Essays presented to Kenneth Varty on the Occasion of his sixtieth Birthday, edited by Davis (Peter V.) and Kennedy (Angus J.), Arthurian Studies, 17, Bury St Edmunds, D. S. Brewer, 1987 : p. 101 - 117
Etude des embûches que rencontrent les chevaliers CRBUSBY (Keith). MEDIUM AEVUM, 1989, t. 58, n° 1, p. 167-168, Brève analyse des 13 articles qui portent essentiellement sur le Tristan, mais aussi sur l'Escoufle de Jean Renart, Robert de Boron, Perlesvaus, le Roman de Silence, Jaufré, Renart, la Queste del Saint Graal, Erec, le Lancelot en prose, Rutebeuf et Christine de Pizan.;Mots-clés :Queste del st graal//Theme récompense/châtiment//Melanges varty (kenneth)//Etude
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1 œuvre traitée
> Anonyme | Queste del saint Graal | A la veille de la Pentecoste, quant li compaignon de la Table Roonde furent venu a Kamaalot et il orent oï le servise
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