Référence bibliographique sélectionnée X CYNTHIA HO, As good as her word. Women's language in The Knight of the Tour Landry, The Rusted Hauberk : Feudal ideals of order and their decline, Gainesville, Univ Press of Florida, 1994 : p. 99 - 120 | 
+ -Référence
CYNTHIA HO, As good as her word. Women's language in The Knight of the Tour Landry, The Rusted Hauberk : Feudal ideals of order and their decline, Gainesville, Univ Press of Florida, 1994 : p. 99 - 120
Argues, using the Caxton translation of the Livre du Chevalier de La Tour-Landry, that Landry uses the restrictions inherent in feudal codes as a justification to teach his daughters obedience to a social code that subjugates them Cité dans IMB 28/2, 1994, n° 2659 Mots-clés :Geoffroi de la tour landry//Thème femme//
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1 œuvre traitée
> Geoffroi de La Tour Landry | Livre du Chevalier de la Tour Landry pour l'enseignement de ses filles | En l'an mil troys cens soixante et XI,/ en ung jardin estoie soubz ung ombre
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