
Rosalind Brown-Grant, «L'Avision Christine». Autobiographical narrative or mirror for the Prince?, Politics, gender, and genre. The political thought of Christine de Pizan, S FranciscoOxford, Westview Pres, 1992 : p. 95 - 111

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Rosalind Brown-Grant, «L'Avision Christine». Autobiographical narrative or mirror for the Prince?, Politics, gender, and genre. The political thought of Christine de Pizan, S FranciscoOxford, Westview Pres, 1992 : p. 95 - 111
Cité dans Klapp 31, 1993, n° 2359 Mots-clés :Christine de pizan: avision christine//Avision christine: christine de pizan//Thème politique//
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