
KATHRYN GRAVDAL, «Fergus», the courtois vilain, Vilain and courtois. Transgressive parody in French literature of the twelfth and thirteenth centuries, (Regents Studies in medieval culture, LincolnLondon, Univ of Nebraska Press, 1989 : p. -

+ -Référence
KATHRYN GRAVDAL, «Fergus», the courtois vilain, Vilain and courtois. Transgressive parody in French literature of the twelfth and thirteenth centuries, (Regents Studies in medieval culture, LincolnLondon, Univ of Nebraska Press, 1989 : p. -
p.20-50 et150-156 CRRLaR 94 (1990) 356-358 (Simon Gaunt); FR 64 (1990-91)147-148 (Patricia M. Gathercole) Cité dans Klapp 1990 n° 2143 Mots-clés :Fergus: guillaume le clerc de normandie//
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> Guillaume le Clerc | Fergus | Ce fu a feste saint Jehan / Ke li rois a Caradigan
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