
GRAHAM A RUNNALLS, Were they listening or watching? Text and spectacle at the 1510 Châteaudun Passion Play, Medieval English Theatre, 16, 1994 : p. 25-36

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GRAHAM A RUNNALLS, Were they listening or watching? Text and spectacle at the 1510 Châteaudun Passion Play, Medieval English Theatre, 16, 1994 : p. 25-36
Analyses a play typical of large scale mystery plays performed in France in 15-16c.Dans IMB 30/1, janvier-juin 1996, n° 2746 Mots-clés : Théâtre//Mystère//Passion de chateaudun//
+ -Sujets traités
1 œuvre traitée
> Anonyme | Passion de Châteaudun | à compléter
+ -Thésaurus
  • Théâtre
  • Mise en scène
  • Théâtre religieux
  • Mystères théâtraux