
Roel Zemel, The new and the old Perceval. Guillaume's «Fergus» and Chrétien's «Conte du Graal», Bibliographical Bulletin of the International Arthurian Society, 46, 1994 : p. 324-342

+ -Référence
Roel Zemel, The new and the old Perceval. Guillaume's «Fergus» and Chrétien's «Conte du Graal», Bibliographical Bulletin of the International Arthurian Society, 46, 1994 : p. 324-342
Whereas Chrétien de Troyes's Perceval was emancipated from the amour-chevalerie theme of pre-Grail romance and developed into a Christian knight, Guillaume le Clerc willingly re-introduces the profane element in adapting Chrétien's textDans IMB 29/1 n° 3127/
+ -Sujets traités
2 œuvres traitées
> Chrétien de Troyes | Conte du Graal | Qui petit seme petit quialt, / Et qui auques recoillir vialt
> Guillaume le Clerc | Fergus | Ce fu a feste saint Jehan / Ke li rois a Caradigan
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