Référence bibliographique sélectionnée X ANDREA ML WILLIAMS, The enchanted swords and the quest for the Holy Grail. Metaphoric structure in «La Queste del saint Graal», French Studies, 48, 1994 : p. 385-401 | 
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ANDREA ML WILLIAMS, The enchanted swords and the quest for the Holy Grail. Metaphoric structure in «La Queste del saint Graal», French Studies, 48, 1994 : p. 385-401
Dans IMB 28/2, n° 318:Argues that the structure of La Queste is not based on linear narrative but on recurring patterns of metaphor which provide links between otherwise separate narrative sections Cité dans Klapp 1994, t. 32, n° 2452Mots-clés : Theme epée//Queste del st graal//
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> Anonyme | Queste del saint Graal | A la veille de la Pentecoste, quant li compaignon de la Table Roonde furent venu a Kamaalot et il orent oï le servise
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