Référence bibliographique sélectionnée X John M. Bowers, Ordeals, privacy, and the «lais» of Marie de France, Journal of medieval and Renaissance Studies, 24, 1994 : p. 1-31 | 
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John M. Bowers, Ordeals, privacy, and the «lais» of Marie de France, Journal of medieval and Renaissance Studies, 24, 1994 : p. 1-31
Dans IMB 28/1, n° 3001Places the lais in the context of a society in which the authorities of state and church had discarded the ordeal, which had proved itself too cumbersome and open to local manipulation, in favour of more efficient methods of revealing secret crimes
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1 œuvre traitée
> Marie de France | Lais | Qui deus a duné escience / E de parler bone eloquence / Ne s'en deit taisir ne celer
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