
Amy Victoria Ogden, The life of Saint Eufrosine: in Old French verse, with English translation, Texts and translations, vol 35, New York, The Modern Language Association of America, 2021

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Amy Victoria Ogden, The life of Saint Eufrosine: in Old French verse, with English translation, Texts and translations, vol 35, New York, The Modern Language Association of America, 2021
"Includes Old French text and English translation of the life of Saint Eufrosine, who dressed as a man to become a monk in a monastery. An anonymous poem, mixing hagiography, romance, epic, and theology, this work from around 1200 CE raises questions about sexuality and identity, family relationships, and spiritual and secular values"-- Recension par Karen Casebier in Speculum 98/1 (2023)
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> Anonyme | Vie de sainte Euphrosine | Nove chançon vos dimes de bele antiquité / Ystore bone et dulce plaine de verité
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