
Jean-Claude Mühlethaler, Courtly obscenities between the Middle Ages and the Renaissance: from the "Forest de Longue Attente" to the rondeaux and ballads of the "Gaudisseur Amant" in La chasse et le départ d'Amours (Paris, Vérard, 1509), The Politics of Obscenity in the Age of the Gutenberg Revolution : Obscene Means in Early Modern French and European Print Culture and Literature, New York, Routledge, 2021 : p. 79-101

+ -Référence
Jean-Claude Mühlethaler, Courtly obscenities between the Middle Ages and the Renaissance: from the "Forest de Longue Attente" to the rondeaux and ballads of the "Gaudisseur Amant" in La chasse et le départ d'Amours (Paris, Vérard, 1509), The Politics of Obscenity in the Age of the Gutenberg Revolution : Obscene Means in Early Modern French and European Print Culture and Literature, New York, Routledge, 2021 : p. 79-101
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> Antoine Vérard (1445-1514) | La Chasse et le Depart d'Amours | Paris
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