Référence bibliographique sélectionnée X Kordula Wolf, Cremona and Venice as Trojan Cities. Late Twelfth and Thirteenth-Century Urban Historiography – Changing Narratives, Intertextual Relations, Historical Contexts, Troianalexandrina, 19 : p. 255-274 | 
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Kordula Wolf, Cremona and Venice as Trojan Cities. Late Twelfth and Thirteenth-Century Urban Historiography – Changing Narratives, Intertextual Relations, Historical Contexts, Troianalexandrina, 19 : p. 255-274
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> Martino da Canal | Chronique des Vénitiens | En l'enor de Nostre Seignor Jesu Crist et de sa douce mere Nostre Dame sainte Marie et dou precios evangeliste monseignor saint Marc
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