
Kathryn M. Rudy, Rubrics, images and indulgences in late medieval Netherlandish manuscripts, Library of the written word, volume 55, Leiden, Brill, 2017

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Kathryn M. Rudy, Rubrics, images and indulgences in late medieval Netherlandish manuscripts, Library of the written word, volume 55, Leiden, Brill, 2017
500-1500, Ablass, Andachtsbild, Christian art and symbolism, Gebetbuch, Handschrift, Illumination, Illuminierte Handschrift, Manuscripts, Medieval, Medieval, Medieval, 500-1500, Netherlands, Niederlande, Niederländisch, Prayer books
What role did images play in the mania for indulgences during the decades prior to the Protestant Reformation? 'Rubrics, Images and Indulgences in Late Medieval Netherlandish Manuscripts' considers how indulgences (the remission of time in Purgatory) were used to market certain images. Conversely, images helped to spread indulgences, such as those attached to the Virgin in sole and the Mass of St Gregory. Images also began depicting the effects of indulgences: souls escaping Purgatory. Drawing on numerous unpublished sources, Kathryn M. Rudy demonstrates how rubrics modified behaviour and expectations around image-centred devotion. Her work is the first to analyse systematically the way that indulgences and images interacted - indeed, shaped each other - prior to the Reformation--
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