
Sotheby's, The Chester Beatty Western Manuscripts: Part I. Catalogue of thirty-seven manuscripts of the 9th to the 16th century, day of sale Tuesday, 3 December 1968 at eleven o'clock, London, Sotheby's, 1968

+ -Référence
Sotheby's, The Chester Beatty Western Manuscripts: Part I. Catalogue of thirty-seven manuscripts of the 9th to the 16th century, day of sale Tuesday, 3 December 1968 at eleven o'clock, London, Sotheby's, 1968
+ -Sujets traités
1 projet de parution traité
> LONDON | British Library | Add MS 06416 + Paris | Bibliothèque nationale de France, Manuscrits | nouv. acq. fr. 18145
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